MASHKENTA offers you a unique, encompassing set of services to realize your real estate project in Israel. MASHKENTA sets up the financing of your real estate purchase and the borrower insurance. MASHKENTA also offers loan consolidation and specific solutions for foreign investors. But our mission of support for your finances in Israel does not stop at developing your credit file or getting a loan. We are here to bring you our services and our experiences in the different stages of the Israeli financial and real estate markets.
Obtaining a loan is not easy and our know-how and our knowledge of the market will make the difference and optimize the loan to be taken out. Our interlocutors are the decision-makers, which is not the case if you are alone to carry out your procedures because your interlocutor remains your French-speaking advisor who more or less effectively acts as an intermediary and this can lead to a refusal.
The result of our work saves you money. Taking into account our action on the preparation of the file, the negotiation of the loan rate, the choice of loan insurance, we allow you to make a substantial saving compared to a financing solution that you would have obtained on your own.
Especially since these same advisors lack the time for the simple management of your account and therefore do not have the time to study and analyze the complete client profile. Our mission is to study the file and present it as best as possible to obtain a "tailor-made" offer.